def main(self): # place where fin info about pygtk win = hildon.StackableWindow() # Create and pack labels vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 10) hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 10) #interface.. buttons, labels ,... etc labelHeader = gtk.Label("MeHear") labelSubHeader = gtk.Label("voice amplifier") # buttonGTK1 = gtk.Button("Record") # buttonGTK1.connect("clicked", self.record_button_clicked, labelSubHeader) buttonGTK = gtk.ToggleButton("AMPlify") buttonGTK.connect("clicked", self.amplify_button_clicked, labelSubHeader) #a= gtk.CheckButton("check button 1") #hbox.pack_start(a, True, True, 0) #b= gtk.ToggleButton("check button 1") #hbox.pack_start(b, True, True, 0) #c = gtk.RadioButton(None, "radio button1") #hbox.pack_start(c, True, True, 0) #adjus = gtk.Adjustment(value=60, lower=0, upper=100, step_incr=1, page_incr=0, page_size=0) #d = gtk.SpinButton(adjustment= adjus, climb_rate=0.1, digits=5) #hbox.pack_start(d, True, True, 0) #hscrollbar = gtk.HSscrollbar(adjustment) # combo = gtk.Combo() combo.entry.set_text("text") slist = [ "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" ] combo.set_popdown_strings(slist) hbox.pack_start(combo, True, True, 0) hbox.pack_start(buttonGTK, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(labelHeader, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(labelSubHeader, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True, 0) # Add label's box to window win.add(vbox) win.connect("delete_event", gtk.main_quit) win.show_all() gtk.main()