Project Bank

Platform for listing work and project opportunities. Targeted towards students of a specific field.


  • Streamlined with only the necessary features.
  • Secure and robust.
  • Customizable for different fields of study.


  • STUDENTS: Real life work and project opportunities
  • COMPANIES: Recruitment targeting
  • NGO’S & FIRMS: Proficient and enthusiastic developers for small projects


  • Retrieve all “cards” from database via php (card = unique item, which can be job, project or thesis opportunity).
  • Show the cards in visually informational manner.
  • Filter cards by their type or search.
  • Click certain type from the navbar to show only that type of items.
  • Show about page for the user.
  • Links to login and register. Not implemented with react, these links take user to PHP-sites.

Tools & Technologies

We used certain set of tools and technologies during the implementation.

  • Technologies
    • Create-react-app
    • react-bootstrap
    • flexbox-react
    • whatwg-fetch
  • Tools
    • C9
    • Discord

Improvements after codecamp


  • About page - CHECK
  • Improving visuals - CHECK (we did improve them, althought they're still not perfect)
  • Direct filter links - CHECK
  • Arranging items based on deadlines - CHECK (it's automatic, user has no possibility to change it)

Future development

  • Improving the visuals
  • Implementing control-panels (login, registration, adding cards) with react.
  • Improving the filtering and arranging possibilities.
  • Adding possibility to follow updates of the database. Email / social media plugin / something.
  • Creating another service in relation to the current one: Personal CV database for software-students. Works like an open application for employees wishing to hire students.


Project introduction presentation (Wednesday): project_presentation.pptx

Final presentation (Friday): project_presentation_kousa_kuisma.pdf

Final production build (Doesn't include PHP == no data):

Final source code:

Joblist JSON for testing purposes:

DEMO VIDEO: (background filling fixed after video)

It's also possible to get access to the C9 ide. Contact us for more information!


Olli Kousa React / UI
Kuisma Närhi React / Back-end